
Perllan works on OSX, Unix/Linux, and Windows with Python 3.6+.

Installing Perllan

Install packages in the Perllan network from their respective GitHub repository,

via git (

Install abjad-ext-microtones:

~$ git clone
~$ cd abjad-ext-microtones
abjad-ext-microtones$ pip install -e .

Install evans:

~$ git clone
~$ cd evans
evans$ pip install -e .

Install tsmakers:

~$ git clone
~$ cd tsmakers
tsmakers$ pip install -e .

Installing dependencies

Installing Lilypond

Install Lilypond:

wget -q -O ~/Applications/lilypond_versions
sh ~/Applications/lilypond_versions --batch

Installing Abjad

Install Abjad:

~$ git clone
~$ cd abjad
abjad$ pip install -e .

Virtual environments

We strongly recommend installing packages into a virtual environment, especially if you intend to hack on Perllan’s own source code. Virtual environments allow you to isolate Python packages from your systems global collection of packages. They also allow you to install Python packages without sudo. The virtualenv package provides tools for creating Python virtual environments, and the virtualenvwrapper package provides additional tools which make working with virtual environments incredibly easy.

To install and setup virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:

~$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
~$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
~$ export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
~$ source /usr/local/bin/

Make the last two lines teaching your shell about the virtual environment tools “sticky” by adding them to your profile:

~$ echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.profile
~$ echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.profile

With the virtual environment tools installed, create and activate a virtual environment. You can now install Perllan packages into that environment:

~$ mkvirtualenv my-abjad-env
(my-abjad-env) ~$ git clone
(my-abjad-env) ~$ cd abjad
(my-abjad-env) abjad$ pip install -e ".[development]"

See the virtualenvwrapper documentation for instructions on how to use the provided tools for working creating, deleting, activating and deactivating virtual environments: mkvirtualenv, rmvirtualenv, workon and deactivate.