Source code for evans.consort.AbjadObject

import abjad

[docs]class AbjadObject: # ### CLASS VARIABLES ### __slots__ = () # ### SPECIAL METHODS ###
[docs] def __eq__(self, argument): r"""Is true when ID of `argument` equals ID of Abjad object. Otherwise false. Returns true or false. """ return id(self) == id(argument)
[docs] def __format__(self, format_specification=""): r"""Formats Abjad object. Set `format_specification` to `''` or `'storage'`. Interprets `''` equal to `'storage'`. Returns string. """ if format_specification in ("", "storage"): return return str(self)
def __getstate__(self): r"""Gets state of Abjad object. Returns dictionary. """ if hasattr(self, "__dict__") and hasattr(vars(self), "copy"): state = vars(self).copy() else: state = {} for class_ in type(self).__mro__: for slot in getattr(class_, "__slots__", ()): try: state[slot] = getattr(self, slot) except AttributeError: pass return state
[docs] def __hash__(self): r"""Hashes Abjad object. Required to be explicitly redefined on Python 3 if __eq__ changes. Returns integer. """ return super(AbjadObject, self).__hash__()
[docs] def __ne__(self, argument): r"""Is true when Abjad object does not equal `argument`. Otherwise false. Returns true or false. """ return not self == argument
[docs] def __repr__(self): r"""Gets interpreter representation of Abjad object. Returns string. """ return
[docs] def __str__(self): return
def __setstate__(self, state): r"""Sets state of Abjad object. Returns none. """ for key, value in state.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # ### PRIVATE METHODS ### def _debug(self, value, annotation=None, blank=False): if annotation is None: print("debug: {!r}".format(value)) else: print("debug ({}): {!r}".format(annotation, value)) if blank: print() def _debug_values(self, values, annotation=None, blank=True): if values: for value in values: self._debug(value, annotation=annotation) if blank: print() else: self._debug(repr(values), annotation=annotation) if blank: print() def _get_format_specification(self): return abjad.FormatSpecification(client=self)