Source code for evans.spanners

import functools

import abjad

[docs]@functools.total_ordering class BowAnglePoint: """ Bow Angle Point .. container:: example >>> point = evans.BowAnglePoint(90) >>> point BowAnglePoint(degrees=NonreducedFraction(90, 90)) """ def __init__( self, degrees=None, ): if degrees is not None: self._degrees = abjad.NonreducedFraction(degrees, 90) else: self._degrees = degrees
[docs] def __lt__(self, argument) -> bool: self_degrees = self.degrees or 0 argument_degrees = argument.degrees or 0 return self_degrees < argument_degrees
[docs] def __repr__(self): return abjad.StorageFormatManager(self).get_repr_format()
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self.markup)
@property def degrees(self): return self._degrees @property def markup(self): if self._degrees is None: degrees = 0 else: degrees = self.degrees.numerator symbol = ( r"\concat { \translate #'(0 . 0) " + f"{degrees}" + r" \translate #'(0 . 1) \teeny o \hspace #0.5 }" ) string = rf"\markup {{ \vcenter {symbol} }}" markup = abjad.Markup(string, literal=True) return markup
[docs]def bow_angle_spanner( argument, *, omit_bow_changes=True, tag=None, ): r""" .. container:: example >>> point_1 = evans.BowAnglePoint(-45) >>> tech_1 = abjad.BowMotionTechnique("ordinario") >>> point_2 = evans.BowAnglePoint(45) >>> tech_2 = abjad.BowMotionTechnique("ordinario") >>> staff = abjad.Staff("c'2 c'2") >>> abjad.attach(point_1, staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(tech_1, staff[0]) >>> abjad.attach(point_2, staff[1]) >>> abjad.attach(tech_2, staff[1]) >>> evans.bow_angle_spanner(staff) >>> # doctest: +SKIP .. docs:: >>> print(abjad.lilypond(staff)) \new Staff { \tweak Y-offset #-4.0 \tweak stencil #ly:text-interface::print \tweak text \markup { \vcenter \concat { \translate #'(0 . 0) -45 \translate #'(0 . 1) \teeny o \hspace #0.5 } } c'2 - \tweak style #'line \glissando \tweak Y-offset #0.0 \tweak stencil #ly:text-interface::print \tweak text \markup { \vcenter \concat { \translate #'(0 . 0) 45 \translate #'(0 . 1) \teeny o \hspace #0.5 } } c'2 } """ def _get_indicators(leaf): bow_contact_point = None prototype = BowAnglePoint if leaf._has_indicator(prototype): bow_contact_point = leaf._get_indicators(prototype)[0] bow_motion_technique = None prototype = abjad.BowMotionTechnique if leaf._has_indicator(prototype): bow_motion_technique = leaf._get_indicators(prototype)[0] return (bow_contact_point, bow_motion_technique) def _make_bow_contact_point_tweaks(leaf, bow_contact_point): if bow_contact_point is None: return abjad.tweak(leaf.note_head).stencil = "#ly:text-interface::print" abjad.tweak(leaf.note_head).text = bow_contact_point.markup y_offset = float((4 * bow_contact_point.degrees) - 2) abjad.tweak(leaf.note_head).Y_offset = f"#{y_offset}" def _make_bow_change_contributions(leaf, leaves, bow_contact_point): cautionary_change = False direction_change = None next_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(leaf, 1) this_contact_point = bow_contact_point if this_contact_point is None: return next_contact_point = abjad.get.indicator(next_leaf, BowAnglePoint) if next_contact_point is None: return previous_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(leaf, -1) previous_contact_point = None if previous_leaf is not None: previous_contact_points = previous_leaf._get_indicators(BowAnglePoint) if previous_contact_points: previous_contact_point = previous_contact_points[0] if ( leaf is leaves[0] or previous_contact_point is None or previous_contact_point.degrees is None ): if this_contact_point < next_contact_point: direction_change = abjad.Down elif next_contact_point < this_contact_point: direction_change = abjad.Up else: previous_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(leaf, -1) previous_contact_point = abjad.get.indicator(previous_leaf, BowAnglePoint) if ( previous_contact_point < this_contact_point and next_contact_point < this_contact_point ): direction_change = abjad.Up elif ( this_contact_point < previous_contact_point and this_contact_point < next_contact_point ): direction_change = abjad.Down elif this_contact_point == previous_contact_point: if this_contact_point < next_contact_point: cautionary_change = True direction_change = abjad.Down elif next_contact_point < this_contact_point: cautionary_change = True direction_change = abjad.Up if direction_change is None: return if direction_change == abjad.Up: string = r"\evans-counterclockwise-arc \translate #'(0.2 . 0.75) \scale #'(0.7 . 0.7)" else: string = ( r"\evans-clockwise-arc \translate #'(0.2 . 0.75) \scale #'(0.7 . 0.7)" ) if cautionary_change: string = rf"\parenthesize {string}" string = "^ " + string literal = abjad.LilyPondLiteral(string, "after") abjad.attach(literal, leaf) def _next_leaf_is_bowed(leaf, leaves): if leaf is leaves[-1]: return False silent_prototype = (abjad.MultimeasureRest, abjad.Rest, abjad.Skip) next_leaf = abjad.get.leaf(leaf, 1) if next_leaf is None or isinstance(next_leaf, silent_prototype): return False next_contact_point = abjad.get.indicator(next_leaf, BowAnglePoint) if next_contact_point is None: return False elif next_contact_point.degrees is None: return False return True def _format_leaf(leaf, leaves): indicators = abjad.get.indicators(leaf) bow_contact_point = indicators[0] bow_motion_technique = indicators[1] if bow_contact_point is None: return if bow_contact_point.degrees is None: abjad.tweak(leaf.note_head).style = "#'cross" return if len(leaves) == 1: return _make_bow_contact_point_tweaks(leaf, bow_contact_point) if not _next_leaf_is_bowed(leaf, leaves): return glissando = abjad.Glissando() if bow_motion_technique is not None: style = f"#'{bow_motion_technique.glissando_style}" abjad.tweak(glissando).style = style abjad.attach(glissando, leaf, tag=tag) if not omit_bow_changes: _make_bow_change_contributions(leaf, leaves, bow_contact_point) leaves = abjad.Selection(argument).leaves() assert isinstance(leaves, abjad.Selection), repr(leaves) for leaf in leaves: _format_leaf(leaf, leaves)